6. mednarodni prevajalski seminar slovenske književnosti, 16. 8. – 21. 8. 2016
Mednarodni prevajalski seminar bo največ 16 izbranim uveljavljenim prevajalcem slovenske književnosti ponudil vpogled v aktualno stanje slovenske sodobne književnosti in možnost sodelovanja s...
View ArticleEvropska komisija izrekla priznanje operaciji Vključujemo in aktiviramo!
Evropska komisija je operacijo Javne agencije za knjigo Republike Slovenije Vključujemo in aktiviramo! izbrala kot primer dobre prakse na področju socialnih inovacij. Dne 18. maja 2016 sta jo na 3....
View ArticleNove teme v slovenski humanistki
Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije in Tržaško knjižno središče vabita na okroglo mizo »Nove teme v slovenski humanistki« Sodelovali bodo Mojca Pajnik, Rok Svetlič, Andrej Studen in Ana...
View ArticleOdziv na članek Mojce Pišek Je babica postala grobar? z dne 8. 7. 2016 via...
Obema avtorjema člankov, cenjeni kulturni novinarki Mojci Pišek in cenjenemu založniku in knjigotržcu Jožetu Pianu, MBA, priporočamo, da že enkrat prebereta Nacionalni program za kulturo 2014-2017, ki...
View ArticleInvitation to a Meeting with Foreign Publishers and Culture Journalists at...
In the scope of the preparatory activities in light of Slovenia's candidacy as Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair and in congruence with its strategic orientation, the Slovenian Book Agency...
View ArticlePublishers and Journalists from German Speaking Countries Visit Slovenia
As part of the preparatory activities prior to the project "Slovenia - Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair", the Slovenian Book Agency hosted the first three-day study visit for foreign...
View ArticleProgramme Aimed at Strengthening Slovenian-German Publishing Relations
The workshop will feature two programme-specific events. Slovenian publishers interested in meeting German publishers and acquainting them with their respective programmes and authors; and particularly...
View ArticleAn Evening of Introduction to Slovenian Literature and Publishers
In the scope of the preparatory activities in light of Slovenia's candidacy as Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair and in congruence with its strategic orientation, the Slovenian Book Agency is...
View ArticleFrankfurt Book Fair 2015
The Slovenian booth (Hall 5.0, No. B126) features the newest publishers' choice of works (published in 2014 and 2015 respectively). The vendors have stocked the booth with foreign language catalogues...
View ArticleRepresentatives of the Slovenian Book Agency and Her Excellency, the...
Today we officially submitted the candidature file on behalf of the Republic of Slovenia as a candidate for the title of Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair. The decision was made based on an...
View ArticleStadt Land Buch Readers' Festival
As part of the preparatory activities prior to the project "Slovenia – Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair", the Slovenian Book Agency participated at the renowned Stadt Land Buch Readers'...
View ArticleSlovenia in Frankfurt featured in Sinfo magazine
The January-February 2016 of Sinfo magazine features an article about the project "Slovenia - Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair". You can read the article in Slovene by clicking here.To...
View ArticleLiterary Events in Vienna
APROPOS SLOWENIEN: Neue Literatur von Nebenan As part of the preparatory activities prior to the project "Slovenia – Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair", the Slovenian Book Agency hosts four...
View ArticleString of Literary Events in Vienna
As part of the preparatory activities prior to the project "Slovenia – Guest of Honour at the Frankfurt Book Fair", the Slovenian Book Agency hosts four literary events with male and female Slovenian...
View ArticleSlovenian Authors and Publishers in Vienna, 26–29 April 2016
Without conventions in this vein, neighbouring cultures would remain just that - neighbours, who may know about each other, but never speak to one another. It was a pleasure to participate and I look...
View ArticleStudy Visit of German Publishers and Journalists: 9 – 11 June 2016
The organizers have invited eight distinguished representatives of German publishing and media companies: Petra Hardt (Suhrkamp Verlag), Kristine Kress (Ullstein Verlag), Maike Nedo (Berlin Verlag),...
View ArticlePress Release: Study Visit of German Publishers and Journalists
Our journey began on Thursday, 9 June, with a visit to the annual publishers' meeting organized by the Slovenian Publishers Association. Dr. Petra Hardt, a renowned copyright and translation rights...
View ArticleNew From October 2016 – an New Opportunity for Geman Speaking Publishers
Slowenien hat sich als Gastland der Frankfurter Buchmesse im Jahr 2021 beworben. Im Kontext dieser Kandidatur legt die slowenische Buchagentur im Herbst 2016 ein zusätzliches Förderprogramm auf, das...
View ArticleDecember 2016: The first Slovenian-German translation workshop scheduled to...
We cordially invite you to participate in the upcoming Slovenian-German translation workshop. The five-day event is intended for professional translators of literature and humanist works (prose,...
View ArticleTranslation Seminar for Translators of Slovenian Literature into German,...
Eight participants will convene under the guidance of German writer and lecturer Matthias Göritz and German translator and interpreter Rosemarie Linde. The seminar will revolve around selected excerpts...
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